
Being involved with The Running Fox artisan bakery in Northumberland, taking new imagery of their cakes, tray-bakes, pies, quiche and breads to go onto their new and upcoming website.
Taking shots of the whole product as well as slices, with the idea being when the customer clicks on a product it brings the full image up as well as the sliced image, where they are also able to see the ingredients.
It was really great to be apart and have been asked to do this paid shoot, I was able to work with the owner of the cafe as well as a couple of the bakers who had made these products. They were there to tell me exactly what they wanted photo wise and how they wanted each image styled and composed which I took into consideration and set each image up in the way that I felt was appropriate and how my client wanted. After the shoot I showed the owner and the bakers what I had shot in camera and they were very pleased with the results which was great to hear, with it being one of my first paid shoots I felt a lot of pressure getting it right and how they expected. I then went away and did a little post production on the images and gave the edited, final images back to the owner where she passed the images onto their website designer.
My images are now live and on their website.