
New shoot, new camera!
Today I did another shoot at the market but with a new piece of equipment that I haven't used before. A Zenza Bronica with a 80mm lens. I borrowed this camera from my lecturer Liam, it was great to try a new camera for this project and also learn new techniques taking a photo with this new camera. From using the Mamiya before this camera I knew that using these film cameras slow me down when shooting and really become considerate as to what I'm taking and what I see. Being so much more observant to elements in and around the markets which in turn produces much more interesting imagery and makes my project more unique and strong.
As well as learning from scratch how to use film cameras I have learnt how to scan in negatives using the FlexTight scanner and along with the scanner I have learnt how to use the software with it FlexColor. So by changing from using a DSLR to film photography I'm super happy as to how many other photography related skills I have delvelped and learnt from doing this switch. Skills that I will take with me into my future.
As well as using this new camera, I also had a new idea and development for this project... Focusing more on the items being sold at the market, this shoot focusing mainly on clothing. I have an idea to make a sort of catalogue project where I focus more on selective things and just photograph those things.
I plan to change it each week, so example next shoot will be focusing on just the fruit and vegetables at the market.
Inspiration for this idea comes from the artist Song Dong - Waste Not at the Barbican. "Waste Not, an installation that gathers over 10,000 everyday objects collected by Song Dong's mother over a period of five decades, reflects on the Chinese artist's childhood during the Cultural Revolution."
This idea of collection is what I'm trying out and experimenting with, using the items at the market. As well as being at the market and documenting the items at the market, I plan to buy items from the market and take them into the studio to achieve more of a still life, catalogue look to the images. Still using the film cameras and the same Kodak Portra 400 film type.