
Really interesting talk today by Theo Simpson, talking about his own practise and influencers he had/has while making his work.
He talked about how he thought the importance to him of living somewhere cheap so he is then able to focus more on his work and have more money to spend on that. He talked about the importance of material within the art work, the print type, the paper, a book and process of disciple of making these art formats.
Main aspects of an image being lighting, colour and time of day.
He touched upon the fact that photography is an overall experience, not just the final outcome being the image but also the process of getting that image, meeting people while shooting, discovering new places and learning new techniques etc.
He also talked to us about the daily absorption we do and have and then how we read into that and create work in response to these elements.
Discussed how we have a responsibility to be unique and different within the industry and how I would want to be known as and seen and that I'm able to show my uniqueness through my work.
After his lecture, a few of us had a group discussion into our work with Theo and here he gave me some great points to look at, to try, to think about, to consider and his personal thoughts about my work. Things such as:
- My work feels like a documentary piece and he saw how I'm unsure what I'm wanting to show, which is totally fine and he liked that.
- Try making a book of mini series of the images for example, a mini book of the clothes and another mini book of the food.
- Try to think about what I want the project to be and show to the viewer, what attracts me to the market. Theo read that the way things are displayed at the market is what I'm maybe attracted to.
- Can start to narrow aspects down while photographing, go at a certain time of a day, only take pictures of the food today, tomorrow the clothing etc. Just things to narrow my ideas down and what I'm focusing on.
- Also, he gave me a book to get out from the library which I have done and its called "Learning From Las Vegas" and its a book with some images in that some artists have made work in Las Vegas that they think 'makes Las Vegas', for example they have photographed all the signs in Las Vegas. I'm yet read and look at this book.
