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RICK KELLY. March '19.

Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall



Today we had Rick Kelly in for a talk about his practice which was really interesting. It was so good being able to listen to someone who has worked a lot with famous musicians, well know brands etc, and the tips and advice he provided about commercial work vs personal work and how he balances the two. So he will do a boring (to him) commercial job to then afford to do a personal, meaningful project that he wants to complete.

He then was able to look at our work and give advice back to us which is always great to receive form different people. As well as Rick, Garry Clarkson was also sitting in during the tutorial so we actually got two opinions and discussions.

Things that were said about my work include;

- Image subjects show material studios.

- The tones and continuous colours throughout all images works really well.

- The dummy book that I have made is great, really interesting and the layout of the various images is interesting.

- The still life don't particularly work with the documentary images but they are still good images and it's good that I have tried them anyway and can rule out that they may not work with the other images.

- The viewer looks at my images and doesn't know straight away where or what I've shot. It's really strong that I haven't just done 'typical' market pictures, as in pictured a market stall holder.

- Some of my images could be looked at and seen as crime scenes.

- A perfect crisp, framed print/s for the final show won't fit or work with my project and what it's about.

- Zivil Golochenko, use as research and inspiration.



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