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PHIL WELDING. March '19.

Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall

Updated: Apr 27, 2019



Today was our last guest speaker on the Friday afternoons. We had Phil Welding in talking to us about his practice and current and past projects.

He was very interesting and was very into the odd, found things. One of his projects was office space and looking into why people do random, funny things at their workplace. He was very interested in this idea.

After his talk, he came to the base room and was able to look at our work and give feedback to us. I thought he was really helpful and understood all of our practices. I felt like the was particular at good at giving us all feedback back because he is a tutor on the BA Hons Course at Leeds University so he is use to seeing students work.

The feedback he gave to me included:

- He liked the still life images as they broke the documentary images up and a interesting sequence was able to potential happen.

- He likes the images where the frame was full.

- Advised me to try various distances away from the subjects.

- He thinks I'm trying to relieve something different from the subject choice.

- He gave me the idea of continuing using the newspaper print idea, and doing this and handing the finished newspaper out at the market to show the market sellers and goers what I have done. Giving something back.

- He gave me Brian Urlich to look at as well as Mark Neville.



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