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Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall

Updated: Feb 18, 2019



Moving on with the project, looking more into how to move this project on and evoke more of a reason and narrative for it.

Latest shoot was focusing on making a catalogue sort of idea, only taking images of the clothing sold at the market. This is quite a interesting element to the market, a lot of the clothing isn't typical english clothing but that of other cultures. However, this idea is worth exploring and trying but this body of work won't make a very big, interesting or strong overall piece of work for my final major project.

So to divert from this idea after giving it a try, I need to pin point what it is exactly I'm wanting to find, show and document. Some ideas include, highlighting the decline and reduced amount of the markets, buying certain items from the market and photographing them in a controlled environment such as the studio and also going to other outdoor markets to photograph them, I think only using Huddersfield Open Market is now becoming restricting for me and I think it would be good to show and demonstrate the decline of markets on a National scale.

Lorenzo Vitturi is a main inspiration for this project, his unique constructed images from items he has bought from a market in London (project being Dalston Anatomy) and has then used those items into a vibrant, striking image. This is what I plan to try out and try my self. Using items from the market and market related props.

Furthermore, a different artists who I have been looking at for inspiration and ideas is Johanna Neurath. Her project 'Columbia Road' which is a project where Neurath has went to Hackney's Columbia Road flower market every sundry for the past 10 years, she has visited it when the flower market is gone or shut and has photographed the remnants of the flowers and general litter. Instead of photographing the beautiful flowers on display she has photographed the left overs and has shown a different side of this bustling market.

Next steps for me in this project, I plan to buy some items from the market and bring them home and/or the studio to set up a image and photograph them in a still life way.

As well as this idea, I plan to visit more outdoor markets to gather more variety of imagery, from different locations around the country and also to see if this idea that markets are in decline...



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