
Getting back into University after the Christmas break, back to using the Flextight scanner to scan my first 2019 shoot's negatives in. The image above shows that I haven't fully wound up before taking the next picture, therefore the film hasn't separated away enough for the next image and they have slightly over lapped each other. I didn't know this was an error that I could make but is something I have learnt can happen and will ensure next shoots hopefully won't happen.
The Flexcolor software had been updated since the last time I used it therefore I had to set all my pre-sets again so these settings will be applied to images when I scan the negatives in. (Image below, on the left.)
And today...
SAM LAUGHLIN, guest speaker via Skype.

This Friday afternoon we had Sam Laughlin who was on a video call via Skype. He talked to us about his work and the intentions and meanings behind a few projects, also talked about print type, framing and exhibitions he has been apart of.
It was really great to hear someone talking about their work so enthusiastically and was great for him to share past experience of exhibitions and print types etc.