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Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall



Had a tutorial with lectures Liam and Richard H today. They were both really helpful to me in terms of what I need to do next moving on and finalising my project.

Both of them were able to evoke a new series and sequences with my images and this really helped me to see other ways of sequencing when it comes to making my book.

Also I was able to look at a photobook that was of some inspiration to me in relation to my project. The way this book was bound, the cover, the paper, the content and the colours and designs in it. All things that I have to also consider when it comes around to making my book.

Something I took from the book and have tried out my self with my images, is using a background image and then placing another of my images on top.

Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall



After having a tutorial with Richard, he showed me my next steps to making my images ready to print with editing techniques.

Editing techniques using adjustment layers changing the colour balance, darkening and lightening certain areas with the images to enhance elements of the image and also make the image less flat. Can see from the pictures below how and what editing I have applied as well as which part of the image I have used the Brush Tool with to make lighter and/or darker.


Before (left) and after (right):


Once I had edited a series of images, I then got then edited ones printed out to compare the new prints to the old (not edited ones).

Writer: Amy BagnallAmy Bagnall

Updated: Mar 27, 2019



Had a needed individual tutorial with Richard M today. It was really prodctive meeting, in terms of sequencing, what my images are about, editing and what next (as in printing and book making).

Richard arranged a couple of different sequences with my images which really helped me see what he saw as a audience with my images. I was able to work on these sequences my self too. Also he showed me some key editing techniques that I need to do before printing my images for final. Some images just need slightly lifting and more a 3 dimensional look to them as some of them are slightly flat. Also, with the editing I need to apply the same levels and amounts and colours etc to every image so they're all uniform and look as if they're all from the same shoot.

I have two more rolls of film to use up which I may as well while I have a project using the film and have access to Liam's camera, and then I really have to focus on the post production of all the images as well as producing more dummy books and continue with the practice of sequencing my images.

One sequence.

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